Yes, SOL is currently available for trading on To buy SOL on the Coinbase Exchange, click here.
The market cap of SOL is currently $0. Market cap is calculated by total shares available * current price.
The 24-hour volume of SOL-USD on Coinbase is 0.00 shares traded, or $0.00. The 30 average daily share volume for SOL-USD on Coinbase has been about 0.00. This means today's volume has DECREASED by 0.0% compared to the 30 day average shares traded.
Within the last 12 months, SOL hit a high of 0, which is 0.0% above its current price.
Within the last 12 months, SOL hit a low of 0, which is 0.0% below its current price.
The spot price of SOL has decreased by $0 or 0.00% in the last 14 days on the Coinbase Exchange.
The spot price of SOL has decreased by $0 or 0.00% in the last 6 months on the Coinbase Exchange.
The spot price of SOL has decreased by $0 or 0.00% in the last 12 months on the Coinbase Exchange.
SOL is in the category of ''.